Check out these Sheriff’s Office Statistics

The Sheriff’s Office is going to be releasing statistical data to the public, from both the patrol and corrections divisions on a regular basis.   I want to share this information with everyone so that you (the public) can begin to understand what the Sheriff’s Office does on a daily basis.  I believe that communication between the Sheriff’s Office and the public it serves is a must and I want to allow people the opportunity to learn about the field of law enforcement.

Here is a snap shot of information regarding your Polk County Jail. The graphic below shows the number of people who have been arrested and lodged in the Polk County Jail (1164) from January 1st, 2016 through May 31st, 2016. The picture also shows Jail Stats Jan thru May 2016how many people each law enforcement agency has brought into the facility. On the right side of the picture it shows information about our recidivism. On the bottom of the picture it shows the average length of stay (17 days) and the average daily population (129)of the Polk County Jail.

For context, every law enforcement agency in Polk County, including the Oregon State Police brings their arrestee to the Polk County Jail. Once at the jail, the Sheriff’s Office takes control of the arrestee from that law enforcement agency, thus making the Sheriff’s Office responsible for that person until they leave the jail. After the inmate is in the custody of the jail, jail staff facilitates getting that inmate to court and then cares for the inmate until they are bailed out or released by the judge.

Below are the latest statistics for the Sheriff’s Office for the month of May.  During the month of May we responded to 1,540 calls for service, 685 of those were generated by 911 calls. Out of those 1540 calls, 1,350 were resolved without a criminal report taken. The remaining 190 resulted in a report number being generated and 48 resulted in arrest. There were 191 civil papers served and there were 335 traffic stops. Of those 335 stops, 162 resulted in citations being issued, while 173 were given warnings only.

Total Calls May 2016

May2016 Traffic StopsWe still have several Deputies at the Academy in training and some are expected back later this month at which time they will complete their field training with an Field Training Officer (FTO) while on patrol. The academy which is known as the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST) is a 16 week long academy where every police officer must attend and successfully pass all the course and practical work.  We plan to increase our service hours to 24 hour coverage in the very near future.  I will keep the community updated as we move forward.



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